
SRNE Exhibition News | Wonderful more than 72 hours

Didi~ The end of the trip to the exhibition is here.See you next year!

SRNE SRNE Exhibition Tour - Successfully Ended


“World Solar PV Industry Exposition will be tabled”

“Shenzhen Smart Street Light Partner Ecological Conference”

Closing in the same period

SRNE Exhibition Tour,add a perfect ending at last


01 2020 World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo

From August 16 to August 18, the 3-day World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo 2020 came to a successful conclusion today.

With its own brand charm, SRNE New Energy conquered the PV people present and gained unanimous praise.

The exhibition site is hot

The exhibition has not been affected by the epidemic in the slightest. The crowds of visitors in the exhibition hall and the exhibitors who show off their skills all constitute a vibrant picture of the prosperity of photovoltaics.

SRNE's simple and pure product design, high-end brand image, and professional and considerate service guarantee all attracted many visitors to stop and understand, and the booth was constantly crowded.

*Picture from: World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo site

Won the honor and return

As a brand representative of the photovoltaic industry, SRNE has the honor to participate in the World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo - Award Ceremony, and focus on the grand development of the industry with many photovoltaic people.

Relying on its strong brand strength and influence, SRNE stood out from many photovoltaic brands and won:

“Consultant Unit of World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo “

“2020 Excellent Manufacturer ”

In addition to the brand’s influence, Chen Yong, the general manager of SRNE’s good management, was also praised by the exhibition and was invited to become:

“Special Expert Advisor for World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo”

*Picture from: World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo site

02 Shenzhen Smart Street Light Partner Ecological Conference

On the same day, SRNE, as a Shunzhou partner, was invited to participate in the Shenzhen Smart Street Light Cooperative Partner Ecological Conference with the theme of 'Smart IOT, Shun Zhou'. In the form of forums and exhibitions, we will discuss urban construction and smart street lights together. An ecological technology.

*Pictures from: Shenzhen wisdom lights partner ecosystem of the General Assembly site

Although the time is short, I can exchange and learn with many photovoltaic people in the field of solar street lighting, and I have gained a lot of achievements. Although the epidemic is dangerous, everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high. I believe that the power of the photovoltaic industry will surely bring the photovoltaic industry back to life.

*Pictures from: Shenzhen wisdom lights partner ecosystem of the General Assembly site

The crowning of honor means the aggravation of responsibility. Believe that responsibility will be the driving force to promote SRNE's better progress.


One month's exhibition tour during the master calendar

This is the end

Next time meeting

Looking forward to a different day

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