How to Maintain Solar Inverters
The solar inverter is the most essential component of your solar system which helps convert the DC energy to AC. However, you must note that solar inverters lose efficiency over time. Without proper maintenance, you will find out that your inverter will lose efficiency much faster. Unlike solar panels that rarely develop problems, inverters run into issues more often.
Besides, a small fault in the inverter will cause the whole system to malfunction. It can significantly reduce your output and may cause the inverter to stop working all together.
Therefore, you should take effort to maintain your solar inverter. Here are some tips for solar inverter maintenance.

Keep It Cool
Make sure your inverter system is installed in a well ventilated and dustproof location. It would bring a lot of benefits to you. When your inverter is installed in an area where there is no ventilation, it may cause overheating. The heat forms dew or water drops which may also cause rust. Preventing heat, moisture and dust will help maintain the working efficiency of your inverter system.
Inverters frequently become hot during daily usage. Heat or flames could damage your power inverter. This is normal, but it is essential to make sure you do not have any heat-sensitive or flammable materials near the inverter. Otherwise, it will cause danger. Additionally, if your inverter has a cooling fan to regulate its temperature, make sure that the fan function normally, and the airflow around the inverter is not restricted.
Clean Regularly
Sometimes, things like dust are inevitable. So do not let dust overwhelm your inverter. Try to dust and keep it free of dust and dirt stains like oils. Using a cotton cloth, wipe daily to ensure the surface and sides of your inverter is clean and free from dust. Besides, you may need to have a technician clean the air intake filter. This type of maintenance you should not attempt yourself. Make sure you have a professional handle it.
Avoid Overloading The Inverter
You should be clear about the capacity of your power inverter and do not overload it with high electrical devices and appliances as this may cause an explosion or could damage the inverter. Whenever an appliance is not in use, unplug it so as to reduce the load of the power inverter and also extend its lifespan.
Use Energy-saving Electrical Appliances
It is suggested that using energy saving appliances to reduce power consumption from inverter batteries. For example, an ordinary bulb uses 75% more energy than a LED bulb to provide the same amount of light. Similarly, an inverter AC or refridgerator consume lesser power than the conventional models. Energy saving appliances will guarantee you a long backup power time, thus to prolong the service life of your inverter system.
Keep Out of Children’s Reach
On one hand, for a lot of kids, especially at the young stage, everything is a toy to them. If you install the inverter at their reach, they might spill food and liquids regularly on it. They will play with it carelessly and try to open it, which might end in a damaged inverter.
On the other hand, getting in contact with your inverter system is dangerous to the child. The child may hurt himself or herself by misoperation.
For the sake of both the children and inverter system, It is best to keep your inverter system away from the reach of children.
Do you need professionals to maintain your solar inverter?
Yes, you definitely need them. Even though you have ability to solve a majority of the common problems that come with your solar inverter. The inverter requires regular maintenance. If a problem is beyond your comprehension or if you feel you don’t have the courage to perform the troubleshooting, you should call an technician to fix the problem.
Also, avoid opening the inverter if you are not a qualified technician. A small misoperation may lead to permanent damage.
Your solar inverter may not be working at the max efficiency because it is faulty, or another component of the system has a problem. Experts will come in handy in helping you pinpoint the defective element. Look for licensed companies or professionals in your area for assistance.
Nevertheless, general maintenance is advised and highly recommended. Applying maintenance to your inverter prolongs its lifespan and leaves you getting the most out of it.