
What should you check on your solar power system

With few moving parts and limited maintenance needs, solar panels can last for years without experiencing issues. However, there are still few things you need to check regularly to keep your solar panels running at peak performance levels.

The following checklist will show you five things to check on your solar power system.

What should you check on your solar power system

Dust and debris on your solar panels

Keeping your solar panels clean and free from any obstructions ensures you are maximizing the efficiency of your solar system. Dust and debris on your solar panels are supposed to be removed regularly. A monthly check to make sure your solar panels are free of any buildup or obstructions should be enough to keep your system running smoothly.

Don’t attempt to clear your solar panels if it puts you at risk of a fall. If you find that some debris has accumulated on the surface of the solar panels, you should seek solar panel repair professionals to clean out the dirt. Debris may come from the deciduous trees near your house, or from bird droppings. The professional will also check if the debris has caused further damage to your solar panels.

Cracks and broken glasses on your solar panels

The glass on the solar panels is strong and durable and will withstand extreme weather conditions. Nevertheless, some objects like falling trees or big stones may crack the glass on your solar panels. For instance, flying objects from a tornado may fall on the roof and damage your solar panels.

If you notice any broken panels, it’s recommended that you contact your solar installer immediately to replace the section. Depending on the nature of your solar power system, your electricity generation may be cut off until the broken panel is replaced.

Check the wiring

It is good to get in the habit of checking the wiring on your solar system. If they are exposed to the elements, you should ensure that they are not damaged and have not been impacted by dirt or water. Wiring that is broken or corroded can lead to serious safety concerns.

Besides, if you notice an inconsistency in power output, it may mean that some wires are loosely connected. Loose connections can occur, especially, if you don’t conduct frequent maintenance on solar panels.

When you notice something wrong of the wire connection, you should contact your solar installer immediately.

Check for potential corrosion

Solar arrays are made using durable, long-lasting components---most systems can produce electricity for twenty-five years or more. The racking and the solar energy panels themselves will almost be made from corrosion-resistant materials, but over a long enough time, corrosion will develop and compromise the strength of your system components. A visual check of your panels for any corrosion should be conducted at least once a month.

When weathering or rust occurs, your solar system may become less efficient. If left unattended it may also become a safety risk. If you see signs of damage, check your solar panel warranty and call your installer for a checkup.

Check the solar inverter

The good thing with solar systems is that they are not complicated. Basically, the solar panels are equipped with photovoltaic cells that covert the energy from the sun into electricity. The inverter turns the direct current (DC) electricity from your solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity for your home’s appliances.

If you solar inverter’s light is steady and green, it’s functioning normally. And there is nothing you need to do. But if your inverter’s light is yellow, red or flashing, there may be a problem. Then you should seek solar panel repair services to work out the problem.

The checklist above will help you resolve 80% of most solar-related issues. It is a good plan to run through these steps regularly during your solar panels’ warrantied lifetimes.

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